Horse Form: Allegro Kyle
Fernando Bale (AUS) - Allegro Star (AUS)

TrainerD P Symes
OwnerBrendon Cole
PrizemoneyNZ $18,347
HWgt (W)
HWgt (P)
819 Nov 21Manawatu
81 Oct 21Manawatu
117 Sep 21Wanganui
210 Sep 21Wanganui
63 Sep 21Wanganui
613 Aug 21Wanganui
26 Aug 21Wanganui
230 Jul 21Wanganui
523 Jul 21Wanganui
516 Jul 21Wanganui
Allegro Beaty (NZ) [2014] (Collision (AUS)) 21w-46p-140s $48,050 Race: 305-527m Won: 305-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Cody (NZ) [2014] (Collision (AUS)) 13w-22p-83s $15,758 Race: 305-375m Won: 305-375m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Curtis (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 14w-11p-52s $23,233 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Dinky (NZ) [2019] (Spring Gun (AUS)) 1w-6p-9s $3,521 Race: 318-410m Won: 410-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Ella (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 15w-20p-91s $23,248 Race: 305-410m Won: 305-318m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Fern (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 7w-7p-30s $10,715 Race: 305-305m Won: 305-305m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Gemma (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 0w-7p-22s $2,016 Race: 305-520m Won: 0-0m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Maddie (NZ) [2019] (Spring Gun (AUS)) 6w-10p-35s $12,525 Race: 305-410m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Olive (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 1w-1p-6s $947 Race: 305-305m Won: 305-305m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Rory (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 16w-31p-102s $40,147 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Scamp (NZ) [2019] (Spring Gun (AUS)) 0w-1p-11s $268 Race: 410-410m Won: 0-0m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Will (NZ) [2018] (Fernando Bale (AUS)) 12w-15p-50s $21,436 Race: 305-457m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Allegro Zac (NZ) [2019] (Spring Gun (AUS)) 12w-10p-47s $20,075 Race: 305-457m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Allgood (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 4w-8p-47s $8,856 Race: 305-520m Won: 457-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Blackie (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 21w-39p-118s $55,781 Race: 305-457m Won: 305-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s 1-w0-p2s Bigtime Break (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 8w-10p-35s $8,639 Race: 305-375m Won: 305-375m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Crackem (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 16w-16p-43s $25,223 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Doug (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 20w-46p-132s $62,175 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Eyore (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 4w-6p-18s $4,730 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-375m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Hunter (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 15w-27p-107s $24,757 Race: 305-457m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Lucy (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 13w-17p-67s $22,277 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Maci (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 9w-46p-132s $35,215 Race: 305-527m Won: 305-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Opal (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 23w-9p-40s $32,872 Race: 305-375m Won: 305-318m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Shine (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 25w-22p-78s $46,654 Race: 295-520m Won: 305-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Sugar (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 24w-18p-85s $36,977 Race: 305-527m Won: 305-410m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Talker (NZ) [2015] (Cosmic Rumble (AUS)) 20w-33p-112s $51,887 Race: 305-645m Won: 375-645m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Bigtime Twinkle (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 9w-13p-34s $19,293 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s 0-w0-p1s Bigtime Wendle (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 22w-24p-74s $65,976 Race: 305-520m Won: 305-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s 0-w0-p4s Jugatui (NZ) [2014] (Collision (AUS)) 7w-7p-22s $9,301 Race: 375-520m Won: 375-520m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

Map My Run (NZ) [2014] (Collision (AUS)) 19w-37p-104s $49,467 Race: 305-457m Won: 305-457m Wet: 0w-0p-0s 0-w0-p1s Smalltime Johnny (NZ) [2016] (Fabregas (AUS)) 3w-11p-45s $5,205 Race: 305-375m Won: 305-318m Wet: 0w-0p-0s This horse has not run in any black type races.

All RunsWW%PP%StPM
Black TypeWW%PP%StPM
Non Black Type1215%1924%79$18,347
Racing SeasonWW%PP%StPM
< 1/1 (< $2)250%125%4$2,128
1/1 - 5/1 ($2.00 - $6.00)732%627%22$8,535
5.1/1 - 10/1 ($6.10 - $11.00)14%830%27$3,534
11/1 - 25/1 ($11.10 - $26.00)213%213%16$3,250
26/1 - 5/1 ($26.10 - $51.00)00%111%9$552
Field SizeWW%PP%StPM
1 - 7111%333%9$2,312
8 - 101116%1623%70$16,035
1 - 3619%723%31$7,895
4 - 6413%1033%30$7,766
7 - 9211%211%18$2,686
0 - 7914%1727%64$14,363
8 - 14120%120%5$1,464
15 - 21120%00%5$1,340
22 - 2800%150%2$236
36 - 61133%00%3$944
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